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Playing is fun, but being the best is better.

When thinking of an MVP, the two main traits they most likely possess are Performance & Focus. For obvious reasons these are important. The better the performance the likely hood of your team winning a game. The sharper the focus, the less likely you are to make errors, and also increases your team's chances of winning a game. Agreed? Great, so what does Gonzo Pro Sports have to do with this? Sometimes as a player, we become distracted with the other traits of the game, such as trying to hit "homers", leading young ones to swing harder and jack up their swing.  You don't need larger steps, a harder swing,  or hitting the gym every day for 2 hours. You just need to train a little differently. 


The G-Pro is that training difference. By including the G-PRO  in your cage hitting, we promise you’ll start to feel a difference. By adding either 5.3oz - 16oz to the “sweet spot” of your bat, you will dramatically start to engage the fast twitch muscles in your swing, allowing you to better exhaust & strengthen them. After just five swings with the G-PRO, your regular game-day bat will feel like swinging a stick, dramatically changing your bat speed and allowing you to hit with power.
Why is this important, here at Gonzo Pro Sports, we believe that performance and focus are not only generated through repetition & training but improve when your capability does. Meaning, when you begin to hit with power, you can FOCUS more on timing, bat path, and other fundamentals. When you do succeed in making good solid contact with a ball, you won’t have to worry about “it getting in the gap” because your exit velocity will have increased, allowing you to PERFORM better. Make the change, train & play like a G-PRO athlete. 

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